Code of conduct


The purpose of this Code of Conduct (Code) is to advise employees, contractors, visitors, parents and caregivers of conduct and behaviour expected at Spectrum Styles Centre. Our Code is based on our values and the expectation that all parties will modify behaviour and conduct to exemplify our values.


The Code applies to all Directors, Managers, employees, volunteers, contractors, visitors, parents and caregivers and any other party that may enter the Centre. As a condition of entry to the Centre, you agree to abide by the values and Code in its entirety.



The physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of our people and participants is our main priority.


Our approach to industry standards, business and compliance.


Acting with honesty and transparency at all times.


Treating all with kindness.


Understanding each journey is unique.


Respect to choose, to say no and be who you truly are.


Working ethically within our business and in our dealings with other businesses.


Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of all parties that may come into contact and/or use our Centre.


It is mandatory for all parties detailed in the Scope to encompass the above values on entering, conducting business or tasks, completing drop offs or picks ups, or interacting with participants or employees in any format. For the purposes of clarification, any actions or inactions that can be reasonably assessed as contravening the values listed above will be taken to be breaches of the Code and Spectrum Styles reserves the right to remove any and all parties from the Centre, refuse future entry, report to relevant authorities and/or take legal action.

All parties are equally responsible for reporting breaches and suspected breaches to Management.